Custom Engineering
With an engineering background, we engineer to application-specific requirements, taking pride in not only providing a product to a solution but a solution to your manufacturing challenges.
If we are presented with a sawing problem to which we currently do not have a solution to, our engineers with work with your company to design and manufacture a solution that will.
By design, HE&M Saw has the flexibility to take standard models and convert them into custom equipment.

Below are a few examples of our custom engineering:
Designed to split long I-Beams, effectively creating two "T" Beams which are widely utilized in commercial architectural projects.

Designed to process three 40’ beams at the same time to be cut simultaneously and very precisely, with other processes utilizing robotics following the sawing.

Vertical saws are designed to tackle large billets with relative ease. The design facilitates the loading and unloading of large billets directly from the front, a feature that is not possible on horizontal machines.